Changing Startup & shutdown animation.
***If you have any request for Boot Animations or Welcome Screens Please Let me know I will do my best to make one for you.***
(All startup/shutdown animations are created by Junglee from TechAdept.
If you use them or like them you can say thank you by contributing and buying him a cup of coffee(top right of site))
*** Please Remember if you find that you don't like one of these cab files just go to the remove programs menu on your HD2 and uninstall it and everything will be back to the way it was before you installed the cab file. If for some reason it doesn't uninstall and return it back to normal the original Cab can be found at the bottom of each section.***
To install one of these Cab files all that is needed is to copy the cab file to your phone then run it. Then Enjoy!
(Get Win Startup Animation)
(Get Win Startup Animation)
(Get Hold On Tight Welcome Screen)
(Get HTCButterfly Welcome Screen)
(Get Beautiful HD2 Boot Animation)
(Get Loading Windows Boot Animation)
(Get The Simple HTC Boot Animation)
(Get WinBoot 2.0)
(Get WinBoot 2.1)
(Get Win Moon Boot)
(Get Original Startup Boot Animation)
(Get Original Shutdown Boot Animation)
***...Many more to come soon...***
(Get Original Shutdown Boot Animation)
***...Many more to come soon...***