So you want Android on your HD2?
Putting Android on the HD2 is not a hard task. Before you do it be sure to always have a backup of the HD2 Tmobile Rom.
If you decide to Put android on your HD2 then this same notice from the main page applies.
*NOTICE: Some Tip's, Tweaks, App's, Ect. found here can be risky, and if you make a mistake can break or brick your phone. TechAdept, this site, authors of this site, or other subsequent posts, nor any party, company, corporate entity, individual, or estate; living or dead, associated or otherwise connected with the above shall not be held liable for any damage you do to your device, others devices, your person, other people/living things, or property belonging to you or any other entity in the known universe and or galaxy should you attempt these procedure.
You take full responsibility and liability for any actions you choose to take. Do them at your own risk!
You can do so by following
"I have used this rom with no issues and love it. All I had to do was follow the instructions and I used the MAGLDR method"