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Tips And Tweaks


When you do any of these Tip's/Tweaks and are satisfied Please comment! So that I can post your comments. When people spend a few hundred dollars on something they like to know that these work for lots of people, Thank You.

Want Movies on your HD2 The legal way?

If your lucky enough to own Avatar on DVD for example just use dvdfab. Set it to convert to Generic.mp4.h264.aac, English AC-3/2, 1 Pass, No split (of course), Bitrate 128, Framerate same as source, as far as resolution..go with w/e setting is biggest/closest to HD2 resolution (usualy 840x480 in settings in dvdfab). It turns out AWSOME. Just set it and wait sometimes it can take a long while so might wanna set it and go to bed. wake up and copy it to your HD2. It is beautiful. If you have problems with it playing in the "Media player" and would rather it play in the normal "Video Player" then open it in albums and it will run in the same player as Transformers does and you can make it full screen.

 Enable Hidden Default Games:
Go to the Windows directory on your HD2 and copy bubblebreaker.exe and solitaire.exe to the games folder as SHORTCUTS in Windows\Start Menu. Make sure to unhide system files on the device to see the games listed.

Remove Items from the Start Menu:
Goto \Windows\Start Menu\Programs and cut and past it into a differnt place. I dont say delete it just incase you want it back later.(I put the ones i dont want in a Folder called fromstartmenu)

Turn your music into a ringtone:
The standard set of rings already on your HD2 is pretty good, but why not have any MP3 file a ringtone so you can hear music when someone calls instead? Go to File Explorer and go to the folder that contains your music. Find the song you want, press and hold on the title until the pop-up windows appears, and choose "Set As Ringtone"

Turn your Music or other Audio into an Alarm:
Alarms listed in the Alarm options are wav files. Copy or Convert to wav format and copy to the Windows folder on your HD2.

Get True 5 Mega pixel Resolution When Using Camera:
The HD2 has a 5MP camera BUT its set as 4MP resolution when using your camera, you must switch off Widescreen mode in the 'Advanced' Menu.
Normal screen - 2592 x 1944 = 5MP
Widescreen - 2592 x 1552 = 4MP
Using a Reg. Editor you can realy Customize the HD2. I use CeRegEditor it runs on the PC and works with ActiveSync. Here is a few tweaks you can do..AT YOUR OWN RISK (SOME REQUIRE YOU TO TURN THE PHONE OFF AND BACK ON TO SEE THE RESULT OF THE TWEAK)


Hidden Photo Modes:
You can activate two hidden photo modes by using the following registry tweaks and then reset:

To enable Video Share mode:
Go to HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\P9
set “Enable” to “1

To enable GPS Photo mode:
Go to HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\P10
set “Enable” to “1

Real Exit for HTC Album:
When you click on the ok/X button in HTC Album, it minimizes and does not exit.
Really exit the app with this tweak:
HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbumv"ok_minim ize" = dword:0

Enable Website Thumbnails When Navigating Back in Opera:
Go to HKLM\Software\Opera\Info and change EnableVisualBack from 0 to 1.
Press back key and use gestures to go back pages.

Increase Resolution of Back Thumbnails:
Go to HKLM\Software\Opera\Prefs\User Prefs and change History Thumbnail Size from 128 to 512

Increase Number of Opera Tabs:
Go to HKLM\Software\Opera\Prefs\User Prefs and change Maximum Allowed Tabs from 3 to say 9
(or any number you want mine is currently set to 6)

Increase Scrolling speed while browsing by using this tweak:

Increase the speed of zooming in on a web page by using this tweak:

Increase the font cache for displaying text quicker in Opera:
HKLM\Software\Opera\Info\fontcachesize change from 32 to 64

Decrease Text Size in YouTube App to See Longer Video Titles:
Some videos show half the title "The best movies part......"
You can have a smaller font so it shows more words in the title ect.
Go to HKLM\Software\HTC\YouTube\TextScale change it from 100 to 60.
(you could make it lower then 60 but for me its kinda small at 50 ect.)

Faster Keyboard Responsivness when Typing:
Change InitialDelay from 375 to 100

Make Facebook Landscape:
Goto HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\
Add New String: Value Name: Fackbook , Value Data: \Windows\Facebook.exe (your facebook app should be in the windows folder. If not then change the Key to the location of it)

Goto HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\WhiteList
Add New String: Value Name: Facebook , Value Data: Facebook
(You Can add any app to these TWO places but sofar this is the only one I have done)

Enable More Than 10 URL Thumbnail Shortcuts on Internet Tab:
You only get 10 shortcuts to your favourite websites on the internet tab. BUT you can have as many as you want or less (multiples of 2)
Change from 10 to 12 or 14 or 16 or 18 etc.
(Mine is currently set at 26)

Ok so you are worried about doing registry edits or you have done the edits but still want some more little
add-on's then just head over to the
Downloads, Cab's, Boot Animations, Welcome Screens, ect. Page and keep making your phone even better!

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